In The News

Posted in Robots

Smart Hive 2.0 installed at GMU and USDA

Posted in Events

Appearance in “Go Navy Beat Army 2021” – NRL Army/Navy Game Promo Video

Posted in Events Presentations Robots

Hosting: Workshop on Robotic Swarms and Emergent Behavior

Posted in Events

Parts we made launched into space successfully aboard NG-15

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Letter of Commendation from U.S. Department of Defense and U.K Ministry of Defense

Posted in Events

U.S. – UK 2020 Science and Technology Cooperation Award Winners

Posted in Events Robots

Robot News – Michael Overstreet interviews Daniel M. Lofaro

Posted in Events

ONR-G/AFOSR “Trust in AI” workshop video posted

Posted in Events

ONR-G/AFOSR “Trust in AI” Workshop

Posted in Presentations Robots

Best Paper Award IEEE CIS-RAM 2019

Posted in Art Events Robots

The Narrative Machine Meets Robots – Musical Interactions with Humanoids a Tutorial at the IEEE-RAS Humanoids 2019 conference in Toronto, Canada

Posted in Events Maker Presentations

Demo at the National Museum of the Marine Corps near MCB Quantico for Robotics Day

Posted in Art Maker Robots

Lofaro Labs Wiki Hits Over Two Million Views

Posted in Art Events Music

A new Lofaro instrument called “poem-drum” is debuting at the NIMBUS FUSE Ensemble April 5th and 6th in Washington DC.

Posted in Art Events Music

Event: Exploration of Musical Timbre – An Engineer’s Point of View (22 Feb)

Posted in Robots

10 Years of Jaemi Hubo and other Hubo Robots in the USA

Posted in Art Events Presentations Robots

“Acts of Storytelling” by Edgar Endress and Daniel Lofaro – a “sneak peak”

Posted in Events

Call for Papers: The 13th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots at 18th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots Beijing, China – November 6th, 2018

Posted in Events Presentations Robots

Upcoming Event: Presenting at the National Museum of the Marine Corps – “Semper Force”

Posted in Events Maker

Photos from demo at the National Museum of the Marine Corps for Robotics Day

Posted in Events Maker Robots

Demo at National Museum of the Marine Corps – ROBOTICS DAY: IN THE FIELD AND AT HOME

Posted in Maker

Lofaro Labs/DASL@GMU Wiki Reaches One Million Views!!!

Posted in Maker Music

Featured on TV’s WUSA 9: Lofaro’s and Endres’ project “The Narrative Machine”

Posted in Music Robots

“The Narrative Machine” Feature in the Washington Post

Posted in Robots

In Water Test: Centroid vectoring for attitude control of floating base robots

Posted in Music Robots

The Narrative Machine is the featured article in “The George”

Posted in Robots

Preparing for fully submerged robot test with US/Croatia project

Posted in Presentations Robots

Lofaro Featured on IEEE Spectrum Video Friday

Posted in Presentations Robots

Daniel M. Lofaro’s interview for Robots in Depth on the topic of “Co-Robots”

Posted in Music Robots

“The Narrative Machine” – Cello Drum – Video

Posted in Events Maker Presentations Robots

Presentation/Demonstration at the Impact Design Summit with DARPA Tech Shop and Autodesk

Posted in Events Robots

Making robots serve alcohol at the “Whiskey & Widgits” event

Posted in Presentations Robots

Presentation for the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) sponsored by the Department of State

Posted in Presentations Robots

Presenting at IEEE-IROS 2017 on “Distributed Relative Localisation using Ultra-Wideband Ranging”

Posted in Events Presentations Robots

Call for Papers: The 12th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots

Posted in Presentations Robots

Thank you card from grade school students who visited the lab

Posted in Events Robots

Competing in the Amazon Robotics Challenge in Nagoya, Japan

Posted in Maker Music

SynthSpinner – Fidget Spinner + Magnets + Analog Synth

Posted in Maker

Made a DASL Spinner to test the new build plate for the CNC

Posted in Music

Linear actuators connected via MIDI and x-Ach for our “Narrative Machine”

Posted in Events Presentations Robots

YouTube Lecture: From Automatons to Robots, the Future is Coming

Posted in Presentations Robots

Presenting “The Robots are coming” at the University of Bridgeport

Posted in Maker Music Robots

Presenting at the NoVA MakerFaire

Posted in Events Maker Music Robots

Demonstrating robots, next generation musical instruments, and 3D printers at the Engineering Youth Conference

Posted in Maker Robots

CNC First Cut – Lofaro Labs Robotics – DASL@GMU

Posted in Events Maker Robots

RAS participates in Presidential Inauguration Leadership Summit

Posted in Music

Wearable Metronome using Samsung Gear S3 Frontier

Posted in Robots

Wearable Robot Controller (WRC)

Posted in Robots

VLRS: Vehicle Lean Recovery System – Test Progress

Posted in Presentations Robots

Navigating Autonomous Three-dimensional Interactive Virtualization Environment

Posted in Events Robots

ROBOTS: A Lecture Series – Raj Madhavan

Posted in Events Presentations Robots

TALK Youth Leadership Bimonthly Session – Presentation on “Robotics Engineering – The Science, Social, and Politics”

Posted in Robots

Jaemi Hubo Turns 8 (that is 104 in robot years)

Posted in Maker Music Robots

UPDATE: MIDI to Arduino to play a guitar (Instruments in the Attic Organ Update) [With Audio]

Posted in Music Robots

MIDI to Arduino to play a guitar (Instruments in the Attic Organ Update) [No Audio]

Posted in Events Maker Music Robots

Hack-a-thon for the 4th time!!!

Posted in Uncategorized

Grasping and Manipulation Challenge at IROS 2016

Posted in Events Maker

2nd MAKING MUSIC ROBOTS Hack-a-thon!!!

Posted in Events

The 16th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots – IEEE Humanoids 2016 in Cancun, Mexico Call for Papers and Abstracts

Posted in Events Maker


Posted in Events Presentations

Talking Technology Policy and Secure Robotics with KAIST – KUSCO

Posted in Maker Robots

Presenting Robots at the 2016 NoVA Mini Maker Faire

Posted in Robots

Real-Time over the Cloud

Posted in Uncategorized

Presenting Robots for Engineer’s Week 2016

Posted in Maker Robots

Presenting work at the 2016 HayMaker STEM Expo

Posted in Uncategorized

Chris Vo and Dan Lofaro in The Connection article – Fairfax Area Becomes a ‘No Drone Zone’

Posted in Uncategorized

NSF-DHS Policy for Autonomy Workshop

Posted in 3D Print

3D Printed Trumpet Plays “Bad” Christmas Music (We Wish You a Merry Christmas)

Posted in Uncategorized

DARPA Robotics Fast Track Workshop Participant

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Presentation to Virginia legislature’s House Appropriations and Finance Committees:

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Humanoids 2015 in Seoul, South Korea

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Team SurfBot Rocks!!!

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Competing in RoboCup 2015 Child-Size League in Hefei, China

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On again!

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Presenting at the 2015 National Maker Faire in Washington DC

Posted in Uncategorized

DASL Finished 8th in the DARPA Robotic Challenge Finals, and a DRC-Hubo wins it all!!!

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Lofaro Labs Undergraduates presenting at the 2nd Annual VSE Student Celebration

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Lofaro Labs and Volgenau Students Participate in Smithsonian National Robotics Week

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Upcoming Event: Robotics Week Kickoff Event Demo at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC

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NoVa Mini Maker Faire 2015

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2015 K-12 STEM Symposium

Posted in 3D Print

In “Washington Exec” Article – 2015 K-12 STEM Symposium

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1st Place and People’s Choice