Real-Time over the Cloud

Physical Implementation and Verification of Real-Time Cloud Control via the use of Bounty Hunting and Geographically Adjacent Server Configurations

This paper verifies through implementation and testing a method on obtaining high frequency real-time controller over the cloud while operating in loop with physical robot hardware. The bounty hunting and geographically adjacent cloud server architecture is created and is the focus of the real-world tests. Having the cloud in the loop has many purposes including increasing computation, decreasing “on robot” power usage, reducing overall robot weight etc. Today when robots use the cloud in loop it is typically for sharing information, high level planning, and other non-real-time tasks. All of the balancing and stability algorithms stay onboard the robot. What if we could run high frequency real-time loops over the cloud? The better question is how would we do that? As with any real-time system latency is a big factor in the application and operation frequency. Our previous work shows probabilistically that a bounty hunting and geographically adjacent server configuration it is feasible to obtain high frequency real-time control in loop with with a physical robot over the cloud. This work verifies those results through implementation and testing on physical world robots.

Author: lofaro

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