ONR-G/AFOSR “Trust in AI” Workshop


Reminder: This is a reminder that our workshop entitled “Future Trust in Robotics, Autonomous Systems, and Artificial Intelligence” at the 17th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots will be held at 9:00am, 22 June (Monday) JST/Tokyo Time and at 8:00pm, 21 June (Sunday) EST/Washington DC Time. There will be a free live YouTube steam of the event. the schedule is as follows:

  • 0900-0910: Intro
  • 0910-0915: AFOSR Funding Information
  • 0915-0945: Hiroshi Ishiguro – Osaka University, Japan
  • 0945-1030: Ewart de Visser – George Mason University, USA
  • 1030-1040: Break
  • 1040-1100: David Hanson – Hanson Robotics, USA/HK
  • 1100-1120: Mark Tilden – Freelance Robotics, HK
  • 1120-1150: Soo-Young Lee – Professor Emeritus, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, KAIST, South Korea
  • 1150-1200: ONR-G International Funding Information
  • 1200-1230: Lunch
  • 1230-1300: Mari Velonaki – University of New South Wales, Australia
  • 1300-1340: Joshua Kroll – Naval Postgraduate School, USA
  • 1340-1350: AOARD InternationalFunding Information
  • 1340-1410: Discussion
  • 1410-1420: Closing Remarks
Note: All times are in JST/Tokyo Time
This workshop is organized/sponsored by the Naval Research Laboratory, Office of Naval Research Global, AFOSR, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and Asia Office of Aerospace Research and Development

Author: lofaro

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