Daniel M. Lofaro Ph.D                                                   2011-11-11 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

website: http://danLofaro.com                                                                            email: dan@danLofaro.com Research InterestMy research interests lie primarily in Humanoid Robotics, Complex Control Systems and Robotics with most recent ventures relating to Robot Design and Cloud Robotics. EducationDrexel University 2008 - 2013
PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Control Systems and Advisor: Dr. Paul Oh
Robotics. Dissertation Title:
Unied Algorithmic Framework for High Degree of Freedom Complex
Systems and Humanoid Robots

Drexel University 2006 - 2008
Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Control Systems Graduated with Honors
Thesis Title: Control Design to Reduce the Effects of Torsional Resonance
in Coupled Systems

Drexel University 2003 - 2008
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Control Systems Graduated Cum Laude and with Honors Fellowships and AwardsONR-SFRP Fellow 2015
The Summer Faculty Research Program provides science and engineering faculty members from institutions of higher education the opportunity to participate in research of mutual interest to the faculty member and peers at U.S. Navy Laboratories

NSF-GRFP Honorable Mention 2009
The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in the U.S. and abroad.

NSF-EAPSI Fellow 2008
The primary goals of EAPSI are to introduce students to East Asia and Pacific science and engineering in the context of a research setting, and to help students initiate scientific relationships that will better enable future collaboration with foreign counterparts.

Lester Kraus Award 2008
Awarded to Electrical Engineering student who has shown the greatest promise of developing into a creative and socially responsible engineer.

Dean’s Fellowship 2008
Non-need-based award for full-time graduate students designed to assist outstanding applicants. ProgrammingProficient Languages: C/C++, Python, MATLAB, Java, C#, LabView
Platforms and OS: Linux, Windows
Computer Control Methods: Real-Time, Inter-Process Communication, Network Based Control Lab Skills and Tools PCB Layout and Design, PCB Surface Mount Population, Soldering (Solder and Solder Paste) Use of: Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, Function Generators, Volt-Ohm Meters, Amp Meters, Jigsaws, Band Saws, Routers, Drills, etc. Carpentry skills include both metal working, wood working, and 3D printing.

Publications *Under Peer-Review

*Low Latency Bounty Hunting and Geographically Adjacent ICRA 2016 

Server Configuration for Real-Time Cloud Control
Authors: Lofaro, D. and Asokan, A.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016
ARCHR - Apparatus for Remote Control of Humanoid Robots Humanoids 2015 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Martyna, B.; Early, P.; Eide, E. and Javid, M.;
Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2015 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference
Feasibility of Cloud Enabled Humanoid Robots: Development of Humanoids 2015 

Low Latency Geographically Adjacent Real-Time Cloud Control
Authors: Lofaro, D.; Asokan, A. and Roderik, E.;
Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2015 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference
The Ach Library: A New Framework for Real-Time Communication RAM 2015 

Authors: Dantam, N.; Lofaro, D.; Hereid, A.; Oh, P.; Ames, A.; Stilman, M.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
A lightweight, cross-platform robot visualization using the cloud IROS 2014 

Authors: Hilton, W.; Lofaro, D.; Kim, Y.
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
From autonomy to cooperative traded control of humanoid IROS 2014 

manipulation tasks with unreliable communication:
System design and lessons learned Authors: J. Mainprice, C. Phillips-Grafflin, H. Suay, N. Alunni, D. Lofaro, D. Berenson, S. Chernova, R. Lindeman, and P. Oh,
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
Unied Algorithmic Framework for High Degree of Freedom Dissertation 2013 

Complex Systems and Humanoid Robots
Authors: Lofaro, D.
Doctoral Dissertation, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Drexel University
Multi-Process Architecture for Robust Control the Hubo2+ Robot TePRA 2013 

Authors: Grey, M.; Dantam, N.; Stilman, M.; Lofaro, D.
IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications
Toward A User-Guided Manipulation Framework for High-DOF... TePRA 2013 

Authors: Alunni, N.; Phillips-Graffin, C; Suay, H.; Lofaro, D.; Berenson, D.
Chernova, S; Lindeman, R; Oh, P.;
IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications
Humanoid Pitching at a Major League Baseball Game Humanoids 2012 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Sun, C.; Oh, P.;
Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2012 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference
A n-dimensional Convex Hull Approach for Fault Detection ICCAS 2012 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Lynch, K. Oh, P.;
International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Design of Collision-Free Trajectories with Sparse Reachable Maps IROS 2012 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Ellenberg, D. Oh, P.; Oh, JH.;
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
Humanoid Throws Inaugural Pitch at Major League Baseball Game URAI 2012 

Authors: Lofaro, D.;Oh, P.;
International Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics and Ambient Intelligence
Design of Humanoids as Interactive Musical Participants IASTED 2011 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Grunberg, D. Oh, P.; Kim, Y.; Oh, J.;
International Association of Science and Technology (IASTED), 2011
International Conference on Robotics
Robot Audition and Beat Identification in Noisy Environments IROS 2011 

Authors: Grunberg, D.; Lofaro, D. ; Oh, J.; Kim, Y;
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
Towards a musically-aware humanoid for interactive music... EURASIP 2011 

Authors: Kim, Y.; Lofaro, D; Batulaa, A; Grunberg, D;
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
Visual Beat Tracking: A Novel Approach to Tempo Tracking... Humanoids 2010 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Oh, P.; Oh, J.; Kim, Y.;
Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference
Interactive Games With Humanoids: Playing With Jaemi Hubo Humanoids 2010 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Ellenberg, R.; Oh, P.;
Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference
Developing Humanoids for Musical Interaction IROS 2010 

Authors: Kim, Y.; Batula, A.; Grunberg, D.; Lofaro, D. ; Oh, J.;
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
Mechatronics Education: From Paper Design to Product Prototype... FIRA 2009 

Authors: Lofaro, D.; Le, T.; and Oh, P.;
Progress in Robotics, ser. Communications in Computer and Information Science
Control Design to Reduce the Effects of Torsional Resonance in... MS Thesis 2008 

Author: Lofaro, D.
Masters Thesis, Drexel University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Work Experience
George Mason University Assistant Professor 

Fairfax, VA January 2014 - Present 

Assistant Professor in Robotics at George Mason University in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
George Mason University Laboratory Director 

Fairfax, VA January 2014 - Present 

Director of the Lofaro Labs at George Mason University. The primary focus of the lab is robotics including Humanoids and Complex Control Systems with most recent ventures relating to Robot Design and Cloud Robotics. Focus on science infused art/music and STEM outreach is also a big part of the Lofaro Labs’ mission.
ExPlus Automation Consultant 

Fairfax, VA September 2015 - Present 

Create automation software for animated and interactive museum displays.
DARPA Robotics Challenge Track A Team: DRC-Hubo Research Lead 

Philadelphia, PA July 2012 to December 2013 

Research Lead and Systems Engineer for the Track-A DARPA Robotics Challenge team DRC-Hubo. I work directly with Dmitry Berenson at WPI on the valve opening/closing task of the challenge. In collaboration with Mike Stilman and Neil Dantam at Gerogia Tech I lead the developed of the needed open-source, Linux based, BSD licensed controller for humanoid robots. Our software is the primary control system for the DRC-Hubo team and is currently being used by MIT, WPI, Purdue, Ohio State, Swarthmore College, Georgia Tech, and Drexel University. Team Website: http://www.drc-hubo.com
Drexel Autonomous Systems Lab Research Assistant 

Philadelphia, PA April 2008 to December 2013 

Researching Complex Control Systems and Robotics. Daniel’s dissertation topic is end-effector velocity control for bipedal robots, also known as throwing. Primary care taker of the full-size humanoid robot Jaemi Hubo.
Dragonfly Incorporated Engineer 

Philadelphia, PA April 2011 to Present 

Testing and modeling of linear actuators for dual rotor unmanned aerial vehicles.
Drexel University Teaching Assistant 

Philadelphia, PA April 2008 to Present 

Assist professor with electrical engineering lab courses as well as organizing and maintaing Senior Design for the electrical and computer engineering dept.
IEEE (ICRA 2012) Intl conf origination, web des 

Piscataway, NJ May 2011 to July 2012 

Design and maintain events and website for the International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
NATO (ASI-2012) Technical/Workshop Chair 

Cesme, Turkey August 2009 to November 2010 

Organize and maintain 6 workshops for an international audience with participation from 23 countries
FIRST Robotics Mentor, Judge, and Volunteer 

Villanova, PA March 2006 to June 2010 

Coach/mentors for the all girls high school, Agnes Irwin School (Bryn Mawr, PA), FIRST Robotics team and Philadelphia Regional Competition volunteer.
Moog Component Group Assistant Design Engineer 

Springfield, PA August 2005 to March 2006 

Temperature response testing - Error analysis on positional and rotational actuators - Fault detection circuit design and implementation for positional and rotator actuators - PCB trace verification, Trained in MIL-SPEC soldering.
Evaporated Coatings Inc. Vacuum Deposited Thin Film Assistant Design Engineer 

Willow Grove, PA August 2004 to March 2005 

Design and implementation of vacuum deposited tin films for the control of optical, thermal and electrical surface properties, design using computer simulations. Implementation via vacuum deposition using electron beam gun. Invited Talks and Demonstrations
Distinguished Lecture Series - Fairfax, VA Fall 2015 

Talk Title: Team DRC-Hubo: The Road to the DARPA Robotics Challenge - Lessons Learned
Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum - Washington, DC Summer 2015 

Speaker for kickoff to National Robotics Week 2015. Talk Title: Design, Implementation, and Control of Disaster Relief Humanoid Robots. Demonstration: Showed the inner-workings of 3D printed humanoid robots to the do it yourself (DYI) community.
Maker Faire - Washington, DC Summer 2015 

Demonstration: Showed the inner-workings of 3D printed humanoid robots to the do it yourself (DYI) community.
Mini Maker Faire - Fairfax, VA Spring 2015 

Demonstration: Showed the inner-workings of 3D printed humanoid robots to the do it yourself (DYI) community.
University of Nevada Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV Spring 2015 

Seven day Jaemi Hubo Training session
IEEE-SPAC Student Professional Awareness Conference - Fairfax, VA Winter 2014/15 

Talk Title: I can Robot and You Can Too
University of Nevada Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV Winter 2014/15 

Invited Professor: Seven day Jaemi Hubo Training session
Disney Research - Pittsburgh, PA Winter 2014 

Talk Title: DARPA Robotics Challenge, Next Steps Forward
University of Zagreb - Zagreb, Croatia Fall 2014 

Talk Title: Team DRC-Hubo: International Collaboration using a Three Phase Design Cycle
Bryn Mawr College - Bryn Mawr, PA Fall 2014 

Talk Title: Building a robot club from the ground up (Part 2)
Society of Woman in Engineering (SWE) Invited Talk - Fairfax, VA Fall 2014 

Talk Title: I can robot, and you can too - a cheat sheet for getting your Ph.D
Los Alamos National Laboratories - Los Alamos, NV Summer 2014 

Talk Title: Team DRC-Hubo: International Collaboration using a Three Phase Design Cycle
Chung-Ang University - Seoul, S. Korea Summer 2014 

Talk Title: Team DRC-Hubo: A US-Korea Collaboration
GMU Korea - Incheon, S. Korea Summer 2014 

Talk Title: Team DRC-Hubo: A US-Korea Collaboration
Bryn Mawr College - Bryn Mawr, PA Spring 2014 

Talk Title: Building a robot club from the ground up (Part 1)
Cornell University - Ithaca, NY Fall 2013 

Talk Title: Team DRC-Hubo: A road-map to the DARPA Robot Challenge
University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA Spring 2013 

Talk Title: DARPA Robot Challenge: The DRC-Hubo Team - Where we are and what we are doing.
Columbia University - New York, NY Fall 2012 

Demonstration: Hands on demonstration of the Hubo2+ humanoid robot. Following the demonstration there was a in depth Q&A session with the graduate and undergraduate students in the college of engineering.
Maker Faire - New York, NY Fall 2012 

Demonstration: Showed the inner-workings of Hubo the humanoid robot to the do it yourself (DYI) community.
ASME - Drexel University - Philadelphia, PA Summer 2012 

Talk Title: Humanoid Pitching at a Major League Baseball Game: Challenges, Approach, Implementation and Lessons Learned
Philadelphia Phillies and Philly Science Festival - Philadelphia, PA Spring 2012 

Demonstration: Developed a system to make Hubo become the first full-size humanoid robot to successfully throw the inaugural pitch at a Major League Baseball game, Philadelphia Phillies vs. Chicago Cubs. 45,196 spectators according to the USA Today.
Video: http://danlofaro.com/projects/philliesGame/
Friends of the Free Library - Philadelphia, PA Spring 2012 

Talk Title: Humanoid Robots, they are fun!
Included live hands-on demonstration of a miniature humanoid.
Purpose what to get the inner city students exposed to advanced robotics.
Sugartown Elementary School - Sugartown, PA Winter 2011 

Demonstration: Hands on demonstration and interactive sessions of ground vehicles,
pick and place robots and miniature humanoids for elementary school students.
Philcon 2011 - New Jersey, NJ Fall 2011 

Talk Title: Humanoid robots, a step in the right direction?
About Philcon: Started in 1936, Philcon features cutting-edge programming about
literature, art, television, film, anime, comics, science, gaming, costuming and
cosplay, music, and other topics of interest to fans of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror.
State Senator Invitation - 5th Annual Carole Smith Fall 2011 

Technology Symposium - Philadelphia, PA
Talk Title: Humanoid Robots, Past, Present, Future. 5th Annual
Carole I Smith Technology Symposium. Presented by State
Senator LeAnna M. Washington, Hosted by Temple University
Daegu Institute of Science and Technology - Daegu, South Korea Spring 2011 

Talk Title: Interactive Games With Humanoids.
Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Spring 2011 

Daejeon, South Korea
Talk Title: Interactive musical participation with humanoid robots through the use
of novel musical tempo and beat tracking techniques in the absence of auditory cues.
Hanyang University - Seoul, South Korea Spring 2011 

Talk Title: Visual Beat Tracking
MY Robotics Club, Bryn Mawr College - Bryn Mawr, PA Winter 2010 

Talk Title: Humanoid Robots, Past, Present, Future
Philadelphia Please Touch Museum - Philadelphia, PA Spring 2009 

Demonstration: Live hands on demonstration for children and adults ages 3 to 99. Extracurricular Activities
IEEE-Humanoids 2012 Student Activity Board Event Organizer 2012 

Designed and implemented student socials and activities for the IEEE-Humanoids 2012 conference in Osaka, Japan. This included organizing daily group lunch and dinners for students, Karaoke night, a day trip to Kyoto, and a Student Banquette. My over all purpose for these events is to “create an atmosphere conducive for students to get to know each other in a non-academic setting.” Website: http://humanoids2012.danlofaro.com/
IEEE-ICRA 2012 Student Activity Board Event Organizer 2012 

Designed and implemented student socials and activities for the IEEE-ICRA 2012 conference in St. Paul, MN. This included a student dinner with a comedian as well as daily events and activities. My over all purpose for these events is to “create an atmosphere conducive for students to get to know each other in a non-academic setting.” Website: http://icra2012.org/student/
Senior Design Robot Competition 2009 - 2011 

Designed, implemented, and coached a robot competition for senior students in the Drexel University Senior Design class. The competition consisted of multiple teams and multiple robots. Each robot was less then 1.0m x 1.0m x 1.0m and less then 10kg.
Indoor Aerial Robotics Competition 2008 - 2011 

Designed and implemented the Indoor Aerial Robotics Competition from 2008-2011. The IARC was formed in 2005 by Dr. Paul Oh in parallel with the Congressional mandate that requires 30% of all U.S. deep-strike aircraft to be capable of autonomous navigation by 2015. To keep in line with this mandate, the competition was revised to increase the difficulty each year with the goal of having a “backpack-able” vehicle that flies autonomously inside buildings by 2015.
CoE Engineers Week Annual Egg Drop Competition 2007 - 2011 

The Egg Drop competition challenges student, faculty, and professional staff teams to create a recyclable contraption that will protect a large Grade A egg from a free fall of 40 feet or from it gliding down a steel zip line and crashes into a target more than 30 feet below. Scoring is based on a mathematical formula that calculates weight and speed.
IEEE Student Branch Technical Chair 2006 - 2008 

Drexel University’s IEEE Branch Technical Chair. Designed events and activities for IEEE student branch.
Eita-Kappa-Nu Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest 2008 - 2009 

The goal of this competition is to build the lease expensive bridge that can span a 12 inches gap, have a width of at least 3 inches, and hold a load at its center using only the materials listed below. The functioning bridge with the lowest materials cost wins. Please note that this competition is geared towards middle school students to teach them some of the basics of engineering.
Biannual IEEE Lego Robot Competition 2006 - 2008 

Design and implementation of the bi-annual Lego robot competition. The competition has the expressed goals of enforcing the knowledge the electrical and computer engineering students have learned in class including robot design, logic and autonomous systems.
ONR SeaPerch Challenge (regional and national competition) 2009-2011 

Judge for high school student robot competition. The SeaPerch Program provides students with the opportunity to learn about robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEM) while building an underwater ROV as part of a science and engineering technology curriculum. Throughout the project, students will learn engineering concepts, problem solving, teamwork, and technical applications.